Simon's first Halloween was a ton of fun! He didn't go trick or treating and was clueless throughout the whole thing but I know the adults in his life had a blast!
The celebration started in Charleston visiting my Mom and Dad. Among the many things we did was go to a pumpkin patch (lots of pumpkins in a church's lawn. We will do a real pumpkin patch when he gets older)
Then the party continued at home. We went to our favorite landscapers and bought two more pumpkins.
We of course had to carve one!!
(The small pumpkin is the one Simon picked out in Charleston!)
Even though he didn't go trick or treating we got him a costume. He went as a minion!
On Halloween his daycare was having pajama day so he wore his costume the day before. I drew the goggles on with eye liner. One eye is messed up because Simon moved his head and the tip snapped off of the pen.
On Halloween we were supposed to wear the Halloween pjs his Aunt Cathy have him:
But he had an explosive diaper and went in with the Halloween onesie that came with the sleeper and navy blue pants. Not matching at all but still in the spirit of Halloween. Don't worry he went in to daycare on Friday in his pjs to make up for missing the fun on Halloween! He came home with lots of goodies!
We had one trick or treater who came right as we got home. By the time we got to the door they were gone :(
And that was Simon's first Halloween! I am already planning next years costume ;)