Friday, April 20, 2012

Goose Eggs :)

The goose refuses to get off her nest when I am around but Brian was driving by and noticed she was taking a break so he grabbed a couple pictures for me. The goose had covered the eggs with straw so it is a bit hard to see them. We think there are three eggs.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fashion Show!

I have decided that I have lost too much weight to make the dresses I got last year taken in. The amount of time and money would make it not worth it. I am going to get the two that need their zippers redone fixed but the current idea is that I am going to save the dresses for when I am pregnant and after I have had the baby. I figure/hope they will be good transition clothes from regular to maternity.

That means Dressbarn loves me. They were having a great sale so I stocked up! I did have to exchange two dresses and there was *almost* an issue but it was fixed with a smile so I am happy. I do hope these dresses hold up better then some of the other dresses I have gotten. They are also running a promotion and I was able to earn enough coupons so I can go back in a week and get two dress for free!

I wore this on Saturday after work and got MANY compliments on it

This one is hard to tell but it is purple with ruffles around the neckline

What I wore to Nikki and Stacy's wedding

The seams are in odd places but you cant tell unless you look close

No I am not sucking in, I am just on my tippy toes

This one is a stretch with my body type but I thought it looked okay

I like polkadots!!!

This one is a bit big but comfy and will be a good transition dress as well

Brian isnt sure about this one but I think its fun!

This is a nicer dress I would wear to a party

Forgive my quick bow!

This might be my favorite dress and yes polka dots!

I was looking through photos from my last Dressbarn shopping spree and it is very obvious to me how much weight I have lost....especially in my back. It is amazing!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Make way for ducklings! and a goose!

One of my favorite books as a child was Make Way for Ducklings. We even had a Mommy duck and Daddy duck come to our house every day who we fed bread to.

We now have a goose who has made a home in the median of the entrance way and TWO Daddy ducks and a Mommy duck who lives in the same area. Now to get the duckies to come to our house so I can feed them without the goose coming over is the issues. And I think the goose needs to read the book so she can pick a safer place to make her home ;)

The entry way

There are three eggs underneath her

No I am not stealing your babies

In case you forgot where she chose to make her nest


I wonder if we will have baby duckies????

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I feel sick weird

For the first time in in my my 5 years of working I left work early. I have never taken a sick day, left work early or anything. Even in college I never skipped classes. The last time I can remember not going to school or work was Junior of High School when I had Scarlett Fever and that was only because the Head Master and my mom made me stay home. I do not stay home from work unless it is a paid holiday, a weekend without overtime or a well in advance planned vacation. I am that associate who comes to work not feeling great but that's only because me not feeling great is me having a sinus infection or an ear infection which are not contagious. Outside of my nose and ears, I am fortunately very healthy.

Today has been weird though

At work I felt feverish, had a headache, was achy and I felt like I was colder then everyone else at work (the AC was on so everyone was cold...I felt like I was in a freezer). If I wasn't on the phones full time I could have pulled through. But I was struggling with the phone calls (figuring out insurance claims can be hard when your feeling 100% let alone when your not feeling like yourself) and our call volume is so high that I knew I couldn't sign off to do other projects as I would just be called back onto the phones so my manager let me leave early. I wont have to use any vacation time or have any unscheduled leave because I will have made up the hours but this just means I will have 2 hours of overtime rather then 9.

On the way home I ate my lunch and started to feel slightly better. At home I started to eat cashews and started a bit better then at about 1:30 I had pasta with red sauce. Then I had some crackers and I had chinese for dinner.  Food made it better but I still feel very weird.

 I no longer feel feverish but I still don't feel right. I feel dizzy but not, nauseous but not. almost loopy, I am having trouble thinking straight it seems. The next few days will be interesting. I had planned on having a post on how BMI sucks and about the goose that has laid eggs nearby but that will have to wait for my brain to stop spinning.

On a sweet note, Brian bought me a get well ducky :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Personal To Do List

We have lots of to do lists it seems and I am just adding to it! On top of the things we want/need to do with the house there are things I need to do/finish for myself. I figure I will set each one up with a month to spread out the cost and time.

April/May: Get my hair cut and colored professionally. I am giving this two months because this will be my first cut and color and I know these can get expensive so I want to months to save.

June: Xavier's First Birthday photo album. Yes Xavier will be 2 in September and I have not done it yet. I guess I don't *have* too but I took the pictures specifically so I could..also so I could give Jenn a copy. So I will get that done in June

July: Print all 900 photo's that Ryan took from the wedding. I have decided that I want to print them all and make them into albums. That way I can enjoy them all!

August: Assemble the getting ready album

September: Assemble the posed pictures album

October: Assemble the ceremony album

November: Assemble the reception album

December: Create photo album of the building of our house

January: Finish scrapbook

February: Have all the recipes typed up

And that should have me all caught up!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Kitchen backsplash project revisited and another look at the bathroom floor

Here are two pictures of the kitchen above the stove. Excuse the mess....we are cooking and haven't fully organized yet.

The pantry is immediately to the right of the black microwave

The area that will be tiled will be from the pantry wall all the way behind the trash can. Aren't you completely jealous of our wall protector behind the trash can?

What tile are we thinking about?

This I believe is the cheapest at 1/2 inch?

These are the most expensive and the tiles are 1/4 inch

The newest find...the silver matches our appliances

The newest find  set up in a display
Brian was thinking of having bigger tiles of the colors we wanted (2") but we are having issues finding that. We have decided that they will meet in a zipper....the portion from the trash can will somehow meld into the portion that is behind the stove. Not sure how that will work with the newest find but oh well.

Can you tell what colors we like? ;). The blue will bring out the blue in the floor and all the colors should hide dirt fairly well.

And for better explanation of the bathroom floor, I built a display myself at home depot :)

It would look something like that!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Wedding: The Reception

This is where it gets really hard! I have so many fun pictures and this is where the bulk of my 900 photos are.

We had a blast at the reception. The food was great, people were dancing and just enjoying themselves. We only had two issues. One was the wedding coordinator didn't put the place cards on the actual tables like we requested so we had some seating confusion but that sorted itself out well I think. And probably the bigger of the two, the wedding coordinator didn't tell us that they weren't serving the cupcakes so I only for sure know that 7 people got cake. I thought they were going to serve the cupcakes, our guests weren't sure and not all the cupcakes were even out so they didn't want to take the few that were out and then the DJ ended up playing one of the songs I had told him I needed played right after the cake cutting so I had to dash off and dance with a friend so I wasn't around to fully realize that the cupcakes weren't being served. Oh well, the cake was really good too!
Blair and Kevin: Perfect for each other!

Dad and Doug

Ashley and Mac

Can she get any sweeter??

Marc and I

Aunt Cathy and me

Rachel: "Al ran over the mailbox!!!"

The girls after Dad's speech

Brian and the guys

Diane and Spencer

I swear we have a photo of me doing the same thing except Carley has more hair then I did

Since when is Doug old enough to drink?

Jason showing me the beautiful picture he painted of me

Nicki and Stacy, getting married in 2 weeks with same photographer!

Me and Walker

Me stealing Spencer's food

Me and my great nephew Jason :) Really cool dude

Dancing with the best ring bearer ever!

She loves to Dance!!

Diane and Spencer, Heather and Jason

Spencer has been practicing

I love this photo!

Blair and Kevin again....Gosh I miss her!

She was so good all night!

Daddy and I

Brian and Diane

Matt and I

Caroline and Kurt

Another favorite

Walker and the Justice's daughter

Toddy and I

I am framing this one

Onsoon and I

Doug and Onsoon

Jay and me

Cutting the cake

What do we do now??

Signing the marriage license

iPhones are awesome

These kids were the best dancers out there

Matt and I

The pictures are completely out of order but my computer crashed while doing it. And trust me...there are A LOT moreAfter the reception Brian and I went and stayed at a bed and breakfast in Georgetown, SC which is about 20-30 minutes away. It was very nice and I would definitely recommend it.

That is pretty much the wedding in a nut shell. Very fun, no huge issues. I miss having everyone here, it was a blast seeing and hanging out with all of them. I am working on getting pictures to people so let me know if you want them.

I am also going to do a post on Robbie and Carley and the wedding. They both have gotten so big since Island Vista and they are both just so cute!