Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I feel sick weird

For the first time in in my my 5 years of working I left work early. I have never taken a sick day, left work early or anything. Even in college I never skipped classes. The last time I can remember not going to school or work was Junior of High School when I had Scarlett Fever and that was only because the Head Master and my mom made me stay home. I do not stay home from work unless it is a paid holiday, a weekend without overtime or a well in advance planned vacation. I am that associate who comes to work not feeling great but that's only because me not feeling great is me having a sinus infection or an ear infection which are not contagious. Outside of my nose and ears, I am fortunately very healthy.

Today has been weird though

At work I felt feverish, had a headache, was achy and I felt like I was colder then everyone else at work (the AC was on so everyone was cold...I felt like I was in a freezer). If I wasn't on the phones full time I could have pulled through. But I was struggling with the phone calls (figuring out insurance claims can be hard when your feeling 100% let alone when your not feeling like yourself) and our call volume is so high that I knew I couldn't sign off to do other projects as I would just be called back onto the phones so my manager let me leave early. I wont have to use any vacation time or have any unscheduled leave because I will have made up the hours but this just means I will have 2 hours of overtime rather then 9.

On the way home I ate my lunch and started to feel slightly better. At home I started to eat cashews and started a bit better then at about 1:30 I had pasta with red sauce. Then I had some crackers and I had chinese for dinner.  Food made it better but I still feel very weird.

 I no longer feel feverish but I still don't feel right. I feel dizzy but not, nauseous but not. almost loopy, I am having trouble thinking straight it seems. The next few days will be interesting. I had planned on having a post on how BMI sucks and about the goose that has laid eggs nearby but that will have to wait for my brain to stop spinning.

On a sweet note, Brian bought me a get well ducky :)

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