Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Simon at Two Months

On 7.19.13 Simon turned two months! Today we had his two month check up.

Weight: 10 lbs 6 oz (25 percentile)
Height: 23 3/4 inches (75 percentile)
Head circumference: 15 1/4 inches (25 percentile)

His weight is an issue. While he is gaining weight he isn't gaining it fast enough. He is supposed to be at least 11 lbs 6 oz. The doctor does not think it is a supply issue, heck she called me super woman after hearing what I've been pumping. She also thinks he's been asking for food enough. She also thinks he is eating the right amount at a time based on what he eats st day care. The current idea is that my milk doesn't have enough calories in it and that's why he isn't gaining. 

So we are experimenting. Currently we are going to add formula to his diet and he will get his weight checked again next week to see if that's it. She gave us a different type of formula as well. We half and halfed the first bottle which he allowed Brian to give him and day care will give him a bottle or two. So he will get mostly breast milk at day care but some formula this week and at home he will still be exclusively breast fed. Hopefully this solves the issue.

He did a first at the doctor's office! He rolled over front to back! He scared himself silly and spent the next 10 minutes crying hysterically and this was before the shots! He has been working on rolling over for awhile now but hasn't done it until now. We have also been doing tummy time on beds which make it harder for you to roll over. I wonder when he will do it again!

On to his two month photo's!

And finally:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Simon playing with his Daddy

Brian loves to play with Simon. His favorite thing is to touch his nose to simon's nose and say "nose!" And see Simon's reaction. 

I caught one of the interchanges on camera:

So sweet!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Simons visitors in June

Our new friend Susan

Our Gran-Noni

Aunt Blair

Aunt Allyson



Gramma Diane 

Aunt Lisa

Ginger and Sherry






Aunt Barbara and cousin Jennifer

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

First Day of School!

Aka day care :)

On July 8, 2013 Simon went to his first day of day care or school as we call it. 

Simon didn't sleep well the night before which lead to a tired mommy. That tired mommy had a rough morning. She forgot Simons breast milk at home and had to turn around and get it. She also forgot she needed gas and it took her two gas stations to get it.

I had left plenty of time because I didn't want to be rushed dropping Simon off but my extra time was taken up by the unexpected delays.

Simon was sleeping so he was okay with me leaving once he got to day care. I did better than expected. I cried a bit and was a little emotional but overall not bad. My only concern was him eating out of the bottle (we had some difficulty with that). I called around 10 and they said. He ate a bottle just fine and hearing that I was no longer anxious.

My work day went well and soon it is time to pick up Simon. I get there and can hear his goosey goose noises and his caretaker is giving him a bottle. I say hello and Simon starts crying so I got to finish giving him a bottle and then change him. He at about 8 ounces yesterday! I actually think his last bottle was too small as he was hungry on the way home. As I am breast feeding, no one knows how much he is used to getting in a sitting. We are playing a guessing game. We ended up leaving day care around 6 for home.

All in all I think he has a good first day! I dropped him off again asleep this morning (when he goes to day care is dependent on his sleep/eating schedule) and got to work early to pump and left with no tears!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Why my Simon is my Goosey Goose

We call Simon a goose because he makes goose noises!

He has Laryngmalacia which is when cartilage in the upper larynx hasn't fully hardened. He will out grow this and he will be absolutely fine. He can out grow it in a few months or about a year.

For more info:


Here is Simon making his goosey goose noises while sleeping.

His noises get louder and softer based on how he breathes.

It is the cutest thing! Though admittedly it can get frustrating at bed time when sleeping with the monitor. Most people start panicking/waking up when their baby makes noises....we start when our baby doesn't make any noise!

I am going to miss my little goosey goose when he leaves :(