Sunday, February 19, 2012

13 Days and Counting!

The wedding is in 13 days and I just can't wait. I am excited to marry Brian and while I have done very little with this wedding...we are too close for me to be excited. I will be excited on Friday 3.2.12 but until then it is just stress.

Stress is not helping me gain weight. Yes, I know I am one of those brides EVERYONE hates because I have lost too much weight. I believe I have gone down another pant size so I think I am a size 6. I am not going to the gym in the evenings anymore but I will continue to go during lunch. I just don't have anything to do during my lunch break after I finish eating so to keep my sanity I will continue to go during lunch. Trying to eat more and less healthy but that isn't working really well. I just do not like the taste of junk food and do not have the appetite. Oh well, it will be fine.

All the vendors are responding to me but the DJ. The DJ has been in contact with my father so I am not too concerned with that. Everything is going smoothly, there are a couple things that have gone over budget so our Honeymoon budget is non existent but we can save for that. Everyone is getting excited and my family and I are still trying to pull everything together.

Work is still going well. I am switching managers so after class on Monday I will be switching desks. I didn't really want to switch managers but my new manager is a nice guy so I am thankful for that. I am switching managers because they are adding a couple new teams and need people to go into the new teams. It should be good. This is a good time for me to switch if I am going to switch. I am not in production yet so a lot of what is changing could/would have changed anyway the only thing that is different is that I am reporting to someone new. Asking for time off for the wedding has been interesting as I have had to tell two managers. My current manager would approve it but I would have to tell my new manager since I would be under my new managers care by the date I needed the time off.

Even though the house is bigger....I am able to clean 85% of the bottom half of the house in 2 hours :) Yay! Now if I can only keep it clean. Organized is a different issue.

I hope to post more once the wedding is done. I am still trying to get in a new work schedule, hang with Brian, organize the wedding and deal with the house. Things are definitely going on, I just don't have the time to post about it :-\

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