Sunday, May 12, 2013

38 Weeks Update

Well I wasn't planning on doing another update until after Thor came but with everything that is going on...I want to make sure I keep up with the pictures and if I do that..I might as well document what is going on.

Thor has definitely started his journey home. I still don't think he will be here much before his due date and am still hoping for Memorial Day weekend but I don't want new mom naivety to ruin Thor's pregnancy photo book.

At 37 weeks I was 50% effaced. At my 38 week appointment which was actually on the 10th I was 70% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated. My 39th week appointment is on Wednesday the 15th so we shall see where I am there.

I knew on Friday (the 10th) that I had made some progress because I was having bad, constant cramps....similar to the menstrual cramps I used to have. These lasted 2 hours and were strong enough for me to think that maybe he was coming so I started to rush at work to finish or get as much of a project done as I could. I figured I would just go to the doctors appointment as usual and go from there. The doctors office is quite literally across the street from the hospital so I figured I was fine. By the time the doctors appointment had come the cramps had subsided. While I was being checked by the amazing midwife (love her...if Thor could come when she was on call....I will be SOOOOOO happy) I actually had a contraction so maybe the "cramps" I was feeling were actually contractions". I continued to "cramp" on and off the rest of the night. Based on the doctors appointment I finally got off my butt and packed the hospital bag. Brian just needs to put jeans and socks in and we are set! 

The midwife has said that I could come this weekend but she thinks it could possibly be by Wednesday (coincidentally my next doctors appointment). While I have made progress I know too many women, including my mother, who have made significant progress and the baby still didn't come for weeks so who really knows.

Because it could really be so close I made Brian take my photos. I apologize for not smiling much...I was still cramping at the time :)

Half way to an outie...

Yup....Brian is still Brian
No baby yet but we are getting there :) 9 days till due date!

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