Monday, September 30, 2013

Simon: 4 Month Update

Guess who is 4 months old!!!

Poor baby had to get shots :( he was such a trooper though! We love our pediatrician but they take forever. We got in on time and were there for two hours. I had to feed him twice before the shots! Heck, he had put himself down for a nap right before the shots. Nice way to wake up huh?


Weight: 12lbs 9oz (10th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (83rd percentile)
Head circumference: 16.2 inches (20th percentile.

He is a long lean baby! The doctor isn't as worried about his weight. We are still behind however, he appears to be gaining the appropriate weight at the right speed for a 4 month old. We have a weight check in a month but there is no talk of putting him on formula in any degree or having to start solids before 6 months. It is expected that Simon will be fine at the weigh in. And I don't mind having him weighed every month. I like knowing the official numbers and I think that I will bring baby #2 in once a month regardless for a weight check. 

His head is normal size and is not flat thank goodness. While the "back to sleep" campaign is good for SIDS 50% more babies are having issues with flat heads then before the campaign. Simon having a flat head was a big worry for me.

Simon is meeting all of his milestones but here are some that I want to remember that happened this month:

-mastered the yoga move "happy baby" ( holds both feet in his hands at the same time). He has been working on this ever sine Grampa showed him
-is taking the pacifier more. I don't think we will have an issue getting rid of the pacifier but I think it is important to note that he is taking it more
-sucking on his fingers. Not thumb to Brian's dismay, just his fingers
-can roll over from tummy to back
-nursing is getting better
-finally starting to eat more at daycare again. We are averaging 12 oz. When Brian babysits on overtime Saturdays he consistently drinks 4 oz at a time. He still drinks more from Brian in the 6/7 hours I'm gone then in the 10 hours he is at daycare
-loves the jumper though he is still to small
-teething. Everyone but Brian agrees with me. He is getting the 2 bottom middle teeth.
-still loves standy man and he is starting to push himself up
-still cooing and laughing up a storm. Especially in response to us. People are very impressed with how interactive he is.

That is it for things that happened in his third month. Right around his 4 month mark he started doing other things but I will leave those for his 5 month update.

Oh and the ducks name is Mr. Quackers.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Mr.Quackers :) He's getting sooo big!!!
