Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Nursery is complete!

Well we need the baby of course! and a crib...but other then that it is basically done!

One of the things we had needed to do was buy a ceiling fan. It was low on our priority list because until we were pregnant we had not real use for the room other then storage. The fan would provide light so the room was only useable in the day time.

Well as we are expecting (duh!) we needed to get that fan in! So on a Tuesday evening Brian and I went to home depot to get two fans. One for the nursery and one for the outside porch. We didnt like any of the ones for the outside. Rather, their selection was awful and the only ones we did like were way to expensive. We ended up ordering one from We did find a fan for the nursery!

Late Friday night our friend Will came up to help put up the fan and paint the master bedroom (next post). Since I am, in my current state, useless for these projects

Lets just say putting the fan did not go up as expected. We started late but that was okay because Brian and I started getting ready to paint the Master. The fan was only supposed to take an hour or two wasnt finished until 9pm thanks to our friend Al.

Brian and Will had set up the fan and before they put the fan blades on they decided it would be a good idea to test the fan to see if they had set it up right. They had followed the directions but this was both of their first time putting a ceiling fan in. Well....the fan part worked but not the light. The lights came on then then shut off in a split second. The light bulbs were blown so back to home depot I go to get more bulbs and these are special bulbs so I had to actually have someone help me.

When I got home, they tested the new bulbs and nothing. They took the whole thing apart, reput it back together and nothing. Called Al and tested the breaker and nothing. We were debating on what to do. Do we return it and exchange it at home depot? But what if it is still user error? Finally Al showed up.

Long story short was that the builders messed up our house again. They wired the switches wrong so when we turned the light on it blew. Al rewired the wall socket and voila the fan works. We had to take the switch from the dining room but that was okay because mom had given us a dimmer which is what Brian wanted for the dining room forever.

So we got another unexpected project done! Brian got a dimmer (we just need a plate) in the dining room so I can have the lights on without blinding him! Brian is very excited about it, he keeps reminding me that we have a dimmer in the dining room.

Here are some of the pictures of this adventure!

Apparently standing on a ladder is uncomfy

The bunk bed was a lot heavier then they were expecting

Will: "World's easiest electric chair"

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