Monday, June 3, 2013

Before and After Labor

Here is my before and after labor. This is mostly for my records but figured that since you have all been on this journey with me you might want to see this as well. Plus I was always curious to see what a belly truly does look like after birth so I am showing off mine as an example.

Key notes:

-I only gained 31 lbs
-Simon was 7lb 13 oz so between him and everything else that goes on I lost about 10 lbs automatically
-I have been exclusively breastfeeding since he was born

As we left for the hospital:

After (May 22, three days after birth):

Three days after birth with Simon:

Can you believe that big thing was in my belly? He was actually head down for the majority of the pregnancy I just didn't think it would be smart to hold him head down :). Also, I do have stretch more bikini's for me!

As of right now, my belly is basically gone. I definitely need to work on my abs when I am physically able to but I am back in my pre-pregnancy jeans. And not my "half way through my weight loss" jeans..the jeans I was wearing right before I got pregnant. I had to go to a doctors appointment on May 29 and at that point I was only 11 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight. Not bad!

1 comment:

  1. Never in all the posts I've read after a woman's had a baby have I seen any ladies brave enough to take pictures like these and show those of us yet to have babies what your body looks like. Good for you!!!
