Monday, January 23, 2012

Fitness Update:

Wow, it has been awhile. Still now washer/dryer....well not a working set. Dryer is fine, washer is not working. Frustrating but I am plugging along.

Probably about the biggest piece of news is that I am in training for a 10k at the end of March and a 5k at the end of May and maybe some other tiny races in between/before. My friend Janet wanted to join works walking/running club as I may have told you (cannot remember and too lazy to look back) and as a good friend I allowed myself to be suckered into joining her.

While I will keep up with what classes I am taking and enjoying and what I am doing, unless I lose a significant amount of weight or inches I probably will not do a picture post. I really don't see me getting that much smaller and the camera isn't capturing my real size.

I am officially a medium on top and a size 8 on the bottom. I last weighed 145lbs but that was before I started gaining muscle back. I feel like even in the last week I am looking more toned then I did before I had to take the break to move. I did have to take the wedding dress in at least an inch on each side. If it wasn't clear I had lost weight before, it definitely was when I put the dress on.

Anyway on to my schedule. The running club is not meant, in my eyes, as something that takes away from my current work out plan but something that adds to it. Christina, the manager of our gym) is suggesting "Hal Higdon's 10k Training Program" (don't ask me who he is) and I was able to adjust it to work with my current class schedule at work. His program is for 8 weeks so as I get further I end up doing more)

Per Hal: Stretch and Strengthen which will be the lunch class of toning and the evening class of boot camp

Per Hal: Cross training which will be Step at lunch and Zumba in the evenings

Per Hal: Running (at first 2.5 miles working my way up to 3 miles) in the evening and Rep Reebok class at lunch (toning/endurance/strength)

Per Hal: Cross training which will be Zumba during lunch and Mind/Body (intense yoga) at night

Per Hal: Running 2 miles each Friday and strength which will be Triple Threat during lunch (toning)

Per Hal: rest day

Sunday: (Yes I am going to have to run on Sundays :( )
Per Hal: Running, starting at 3 miles and by the end of the 8 weeks, right before the race, I should be running 5.5 miles.

I didn't really have to do that much with Hal's schedule. He originally had me running Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and resting on Friday's. That didnt work with the class schedule so I just switched it up a bit. Also apparently doing the elliptical is not close enough to running on the treadmill to count :(. I started this on Monday, hopefully I will be able to keep up with it. For the days I am running outside of Sunday, if it takes me less then an hour to run the allotted miles I will walk the rest of the hour.

Lets move on to pictures shall we?

Yes Brian is laughing at me trying to take pictures of myself and not helping

I am much tinier and thinner then these pictures show, especially the hip area. Oh well.

The next posts I have up myself are my bachelorette/birthday party thrown by girls at work, fashion show of the great clothes I found and the Master bedroom and guest bedroom

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