Thursday, April 14, 2011


As I mentioned yesterday I have been requesting Saturdays off so Brian and I can have at least one day off together to get things done. Shopping for cars, houses, etc becomes very difficult if you don't have time to visit and shop around as a couple. We aren't looking for houses seriously yet, we are still dealing with the car situation but are definitely coming up with plans/ideas together and can't do that if we aren't together! It is also important we get at least one day off so we can actually learn to live with each other! Because of both of our schedules, up till now we never had a day off together unless we both planned it out months in advance. Lets say it did not happen alot so most of our relationship we have spent apart. While we are both independant and don't need to be around each other 100% finding things to do together is necessary and we have to start getting used to having both of us around and how we split the day up.

Last Saturday we went to visit cars at a dealer, this Saturday we went to Charleston. Before Charleston we stopped at BofA to talk about their car loan option and their dealer service. We left very dissappointed. The lady we spoke to knew nothing and read everything off the website which we had just finished doing ourselves. If the website answered our questions we wouldn't be there. I have since talked to my Credit Union and while I don't think their API(APR?) is not as low they are bending over backwards to help us out. We may not go with them because through BofA it looks like we could get the exact car he wants for around $24k which is about 3k less then the national average. We are still shopping loans but had hoped that our local BofA would be able to help us. We will be calling their 800 # and hopefully they will have more information.

Next stop Charleston! They were having an Air Show so it was very loud at times and you could see the planes go by which was pretty cool. We met our friend Will at O'Charley's for lunch. O'Charley's is right outside Charleston and has pretty good food and a good atmosphere. We showed up early so before meeting Will we walked around the mall which is right next door. Their mall is in trouble.

Lunch was good. I had a burger and Brian and Will both got Penne Pasta with Prime Rib and a cream sauce. We ended up staying there the whole time. The poor waitress. The restaurant wasn't busy so we weren't holding up a table. I did get bored (the boys were talking about their online game at this point) and emailed Mom listings for houses in the Charleston area.

After lunch we went home and watched Top Gear. I love Hammond :)

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