Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am so upset :(

I went to Pawley's right after work. We still weren't sure if the roofers were coming to maybe finally fix the leak and our bathroom and I felt bad about dragging Brian all the way out after his long day at work. I found the beach just fine.

I started to head north once on the beach and while the starfish were definitely not every where if you followed the kids you could find them. Pictures will come later. I had found several that were already dead so I decided to pick them up and bring them home. I definitely wanted 3. One for me, one for my mom and one for Caroline. I ended up getting  a lot more then three and I was going to give those to co-workers. After about 45 minutes of walking and picking I headed home.

Some starfish legs had started to fall off already so i carefully put them in my lunch box and brought them home. I laid them on a towel out on the balcony so they can get some sun and dry out. I was making dinner when Brian and the roofer came in. I was thinking it was so weird that Brian had all of a sudden gotten a southern accent. The roofer looked around and apparently was having trouble trying to figure out where we were exactly so he could find us from the ground (I dont know how he was confused. We are in the middle of the top floor in an apartment complex that has 3 floors with three apartments on each floor. One on top of the other).

Brian and the roofer goes out to the balcony and I ask them to be careful of the starfish. A) I wanted them not to step on a starfish and B) I wanted them to be aware of where tehy walked. Brian heard but apparently the roofer was deaf and unobservant. He walked all over my starfish and didnt even notice that he was stepping on anything until Brian had to ask him to get off of them. He did apologize but it was clear that he had no clue what he had just done. I havent dared to go out and check on them. If the legs were falling off in my hand before on some of them...having a grown man stomp on them isnt a good sign.

Plus I am now sick. Yesterday I thought it was allergies but no...I am just sick. Ear hurts, throat hurts, nose stopped up, headache, wheezing, you usual.

Knitting hasn't been going well with the last week or so. I think it has largely to do with my schedule being different. Instead of doing two a week I am doing maybe 1 and a half. That is driving me nuts. Plus the red yarn isnt lasting all three squares. It is BARELY making it and I have to add about 5 inches on to finish it. So far the orange is cooperating. Not that big of a deal but I don't understand what I am doing differently about it. Oh well.

Right now, I just want to crawl into bed with the lights off with hot tea.

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