Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'd like you to meet...

the one person who was able to put a smile on my face today...

Meet Robby. He is the 5th baby to be born this year to the hotel. He is the youngest being around 6 months but is already 20lbs (he is bigger then Xavier). He has the prettiest eyes and the cutest chin. SUCH a sweet baby. He is also definitely his fathers baby.

Today we got some more bad news about our dear friend Judy otherwise known as Gamma Judy. She helped train me and has become like a Grandma to me. She was diagnosed with Lung Cancer a little over a year ago and was back at the hospital this past week as they think the cancer has spread to her brain. I went to the hospital on Friday to see her. It does not look good. Her personality is still there but it does not look good.

We found out today that she has been moved to home under hospice care and it will be any time now. The doctor's say she has less then 6 weeks. All I wanted to do was cry but right as I hung up the phone, my coworker brought in this cutie and how can you cry when your playing with this sweetie pie?

I am so thankful my co-worker brought him in. Robby was just the diversion I needed. We had a blast playing on that chair. He is almost standing up on his own! He even started "talking" with me! We played airplane and went pffffffft like a motor and played patty cake. I was oblivious to the world except for this guy which was just what I needed. Robby has met me once and never whimpered or anything when I scooped him up, took him a few feet from his Dad and played with him. He was full of smiles. I am SO impressed...his parents are doing SUCH a good job! Plus this little man is a Giants fan and it isn't because of me!

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