Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Lot at Brighton Lakes Part 2

We went and spoke with the sales lady this morning. The meeting went well but apparently the company decided to raise their rates affective Tuesday at 10am so if we have any hope of getting the house at the price we want we need to get the papers back to her by Monday morning. She said her immediate boss is fairly confident he can get his boss to agree to the price we have been talking about. We were walking into the meeting wanting the contracts so we could look them over and have them back to them either Monday or Tuesday evening. This just has put a rush on it which I don't like too much. Fortunately we do have a provisional contract due to the changes in our lives and that provisional contract states very clearly that we can back out for any reason and get our earnest money back. We have signed the paperwork and my Dad has generously offered to go over it and we will wait and see. If the prices don't increase that is great and we move forward based on the contract. If the price goes up by a lot we bail. If the price goes up by 3-4k  we try and get them to include more upgrades as standard, if not bail. If it goes up by less then 3k we need to sit down and decide what to do. Meanwhile, if we find something in the contract that we don't like we can talk about it or just bail.

While we were there we took pictures of the lot.

Looking straight into it
Looking across from the left side

Diagonally from left side

What we think is the property line

The "dreaded" easement....

The part of the land that we can mow even though we don't own it...

The river as I call it

An attempt to get a clear shot of where our land ends and Easment begins
In the above picture you see the big trees on the left right? Then right below that there are shrubs and then a clearing right? On the left of the picture are the shrubs before the "river". Well our property line would end where the small shrubs are.

So there you have it...

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