Thursday, June 23, 2011

The question you should never ask a woman....

Today I got asked one of the questions you just do not ask a woman.

"How far along are you?"

The guest had recognized my outfit while we were in the bathroom. She had seen someone in a very similar outfit that is very pregnant (8 months or so) so when we she came out of the stall she just asked "how far along are you". She apologized, explained and I laughed it off. When I told the story to my co-workers they laughed at the ridiculousness of the question.

My mom had a really cute response: "Why would someone even ask that if they aren't married". I had to remind her that babies out of wedlock really aren't hidden down here like they are up North and often those pregnancy's are planned to be out of wedlock. This is a huge cultural difference for us. It is crazy how many pregnant teenagers I see and hear about down here! People are shocked with my parents ages because in their eyes..they could/should be grandparents by now. (I still often get asked what I am waiting for and in reality I am only 26). My parents did not have their children late. They were, sometimes, even one of the youngest parents in my group of classmates. They had their children at the time that it was..socially acceptable to have kids...not young or late..on time with the Northern ideas. Down here....the timing is completely different. People seem to think that the proper process is you get married at 22/23, have kids 24/25 and go from there. When you have kids at age 26 and up, you are having kids late. It is really interesting to me but it is honestly making not being married or having kids that much harder for me. I am right on "track" with my northern friends but way "behind" with my southern :-\. There are definitely differences between the North and South. Not necessarily good or bad but there are differences.

Anyway, my mom wanted to know what I was wearing. I was wearing this. What do you think? Should this outfit go into the trash because it does make me look pregnant or was the lady nuts?

Front view

From the side

Trying to tighten the shirt as it is a bit big and billowy

Maybe putting my hand on my belly like pregnant Moms do will make it clear...

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