Friday, October 7, 2011

Show Us Your Life: Pets

I am linking up with Kelly's Korner again, a little late but I am! I haven't done it in awhile because until now, I didnt have/do anything related to actually participate in the link up.

Today's link up is "Show Us Your Life: Pets!"

This is William. Our first baby. He is a Basset Hound

Pardon the pictures, I don't have any puppy pictures of him on my computer. He is pretty sick in the last two. We finally had to put him down at around age 9? He had a mass in his lung and he wasn't eating :( Very sad day, I miss my William

You may have noticed another puppy in the pictures of William. Meet Benjamin

He is also a Basset Hound. In the last picture he is sitting straight on his bum in a position we call Gopher. He stops traffic :) He is also known as Mange as he is Mangey. William was the pretty, show quality, healthy dog. Benjamin is just a mess. My Mom affectionately calls him the puppy that only a mother could love :). He has issues with his hips, shoulders, allergic to the outside and yeast and an over active glands. Given all that, he has now surpassed William in age. He cries when he sees me :) He is moving with my parents when they move closer in July :) I am so excited to have my puppy close again!

Then there was Daisy

The one in the blue collar

the one looking at the camera

I never got to meet Daisy. She is also a Basset Hound and our first girl! She was a rescue and ended up, to my understanding, suffering from the same thing William had so after about a week of having her we had to put her down. I say we but it was really my parents as I was in SC at the time. I wish I got to meet her....she was a real sweet heart. We are just pleased that we were able to make her last week enjoyable in a home rather then a shelter.

After that we had to get another one. Welcome Bailey!

"I want hugs not my picture taken!"

Bailey or Bailey Mae (Yes some of the South is starting to sink in) is a mix! Our first mix! Can you guess the mix? Yup half Basset and half beagle! We love us some Bassets! Bailey is adorable! I love her because I can carry her around like a baby. William and Benjamin would let me but they were too long for me to do it. Bailey loves to take walks and likes annoy Benjamin. She is moving down with my parents too and I am so excited to have her back!

So those are my puppies! People get confused since they are with my parents up in CT yet I claim them for my own but oh well :) Mommy makes my day when she tries to threaten them that they will live with their sister if they don't behave :) Heck if they buy the house my Mom loves I will be "forced" to take them still my heart! :)

1 comment:

  1. They are so sweet! We are also basset people. :D Thank you for sharing.
