Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weight Update: September

This is very late....ooops!

Not much has changed since August in terms of the number but I did lose inches. I attribute most of that for being out of commission for most of September and the first half of October due to my attempt to give blood. I did think, at one point, that I had lost another 2 lbs but that was just muscle weight that I lost so I am still stuck at 160.

Classes were switched up this month. On Mondays we have Strengthen and Stretch (which has a really good premise but I am just not into yoga) during lunch and Armed and Dangerous (weights focusing on arms) in the afternoons. Tuesdays have Step class during lunch and Zumba is back for the evening class. Wednesday is Triple threat (weights focusing on all body parts) in the afternoons and then I do treadmill in the afternoons. Thursday is Zumba at lunch and power sculpt in the evening (weights/activities focusing on the lower half mostly). Friday is Strike during lunch and I do treadmill in the evening.

I am excited for this Thursday's afternoons class we are doing a demo for a new class they are thinking of adding. It is called Boot Camp and we will lift tires, plays with large ropes and other activities one might except within a military Boot Camp. This class would cost extra so I do not know if I will be able to participate in the class but I am looking forward to the demo.

On to pictures. (please note: the pants are a medium. I cannot tell you the last time I was a medium)

Forgive my face, class was tough tonight and I am on my tippie toes to get the shot

And yes I still have my bottom, Mom doesnt call me J-Lo for no reason
I took a moment while these pictures were uploading and one of the main, noticeable, areas where I have gotten smaller is my chest. That is probably why I feel like I do not have an hour glass figure anymore. Still have my hips (those will never go away) and my waist is still tiny (and even tinier) but my upper half is so much smaller that it doesn't appear to be that much bigger then my waist. :-\ I also have more tone in my arms/back/legs then what you can see on camera.

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