Wednesday, December 22, 2010

30 Day Project/Challenge: Day 2

1) Something you love about yourself

This should be easier then yesterdays right? Ya not so much, why is it that it is easier to find things you hate about yourself then it is to find things you love about yourself?

Anyway, my answer. I love how I don't let anything stop me. I love how even though I have all those insecurities and naughty voices in my head telling me to not go out and be social because there is something wrong with me, that I go and do it any way and that I keep trying even if it rarely proves to be successful. I love how when people told me I couldn't move down here completely on my own, knowing no one, and ALL the responsible reasons not to (ya I was insane) I not only did it...but I succeeded. I remember thinking, as my mom leaving on the plane to go home, I would be lucky to make it a year. Well I made it 4 + years and I am succeeding in every sense of the word. I love how well I did in college when a stupid HS teacher told me I would be lucky to get in let alone pass (He must have been smoking something...both of my parents confirmed that I had better grades, etc then they did and they both went to VERY well known undergrad and grad schools). I love how I never steered away from courses that were going to be very difficult for me and did well.

In fact, the best way to get me to do something is to tell me that I cannot do it. Not that I shouldnt because it isn't allowed but that I am not capable of doing it. I have ALWAYS hated being told that I am not able to do something. It has taken some time to realistically realize my own limitations but even with my limitations it does not mean I can't do something it only means that it will take me a bit longer to do something. So the question changes from "can I do something" to "do I really want to take the time to do something". Depending on how loud people are telling me I can't do something the need to prove them wrong fluctuates. I love this aspect and unfortunately I do not see it in a lot of people.

2) A photo of yourself at least a year ago

Mange and Me, January 12, 2007

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