Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 Recap

I am not feeling to well today. I have a bit of a cold. I am way behind in all of my posts so I am going to try something out. I am going to write and post this post today and write tomorrows post today and save it as a draft. My hope is that when I come in to actually post my draft it will post and no one will know (other then by reading this) that it was written the night before. I think this will help me stay organized and write what I want and have it post when I want even if I do not have time to write it when I want it to post.

Everyone that I am reading seems to be doing this and I thought it would be a good excersize. I will try to find a good picture each month as well. Most of these months were discussed in my other blog so I will do a brief overview as well.


-We thought Brian wouldnt graduate until Spring of 2011 (we were wrong ha!)
-I turned 25 and my parents came up and we all went to Charleston and Summerville
-I started being able to do a round off in gymnastics
-I started Curves
-We got a Wii which I thought was going to be used alot (wrong again!)
-Started looking at our budget

During my parents trip we went to see this old house museum...forgetting the name at the moment


-We got snow :)
-Figured out that Brian would graduate December 2010
-Gymnastics went to two classes
-Started to see results from curves

Snow :)


-Started to realize consciously the consequences of Brian actually graduating
-Brian's computer died
-Had to cancel a planned trip
-Webshots ruined my photobooks
-Started seeing noticeable differences in my body weight and an actual drop in numbers

First photo that I myself could see the difference in


-Went to Columbia to go to the Riverbanks and Botanical Zoo

The elephants were so close!


-Bought a new camera (LOVE IT)
-Created a list of places we wanted to go to before we leave the beach (whenever that is)
-Did the North Carolina trip

The Biltmore in Asheville...can I live here please?


-Started noticing real weight loss
-Shared my gymnastics moves

A split...about as close as I ever came to a full split

-My commission at work for June was higher then I could have imagined
-Started going to curves less due to summer busyness
-Nicole's bridesmaids dress fit as it came to me...the goal of me losing weight
-Started really looking for friends but not succeeding
-Looked at our budget even closer
-Tried to do a home cooked meal every night and post them
-Had lost 15lbs and 18 inches since January
-Questioned a dress purchase

I don't think I have ever been this tiny before


-Got mad at Lowe's Foods' Personal Shopper service
-Fell on my face at gymnastics
-Was in a rut emotionally with life
-Choked on a tablespoon of Cinnamon

This is what happens when you fall on your face :)

-Paid off Brian's car
-Cleaned the apartment
-Fired livejournal, my previous blogging site
-Hired Blogger
-Brian stressed about the GRE's
-Decided to end my membership at Curves in January when contract ends
-Posted my xmas list
-Reconnected with Caroline/Allyson

This is totally what you do when you pay off your car

-Went to Nicole and Adam's wedding
-Went to Savannah
-Continued hanging out with Caroline and Allyson
-Got a hair cut

The Bride and Groom


-Became a Godmommy
-Received Gamma's paintings
-Held lots of cute babies (4 co-workers had 5 babies, yes one had twins, within 2 weeks of each other late September/early October. 2 coworkers are still pregnant)
-Figured out how to cut down our electric bill
-Started to see the Off Season start
-Brian's birthday

The only girl :)

-Started 30 Day Project
-Played with more babies
-Had Christmas
-Got upset with Jos. A Banks
-Ate at a very dissappointing restaurant
-Brian graduated!
-Construction workers broke our water system
-Kinda snowed again

One of the boys, Xavier

And that was 2010!

1 comment:

  1. Yay to see you blogging!! Follow me and we can stay connected! Ajcotton.blogspot.com
