Sunday, August 7, 2011


This weekend is apparently a pig out weekend for me. It definitely wasn't planned but apparently what I needed. After Caroline, Blair and I went and bought our respective dresses we went to Subway. I was decent there...I only ate half of my foot long Italian BMT sub and I picked light mayonnaise rather then regular. We ate Spaghetti Carbonara last night for dinner and while I ate a moderate portion...Spaghetti Carbonara isn't very healthy especially since Brian made me put in the rest of the bacon which was a lot more then I was expecting. We also had ice cream that evening. This morning I couldn't stop thinking about the sub so I ate that for breakfast. It was so good! I know...weird breakfast food. For lunch Brian, Al and I went to our new favorite restaurant where I got my favorite sandwich and fries and ate the whole thing. Yup ate way too much food...if I didn't have a work out program I would feel really bad about it. Tonight I am going out to eat with my Aunt who is in town. This also happens to be our weekend to splurge. We haven't really spent THAT much money but we have compared to what we have done in the past couple of months. I don't feel horrible about it because well...every once in a while you need to spoil yourself a little bit too keep you on track. So I am definitely looking forward to working out on Monday.

Speaking of working out..I have decided two things. That I don't like doing the elliptical so much and that I need to add more strength training. A group of girls who also did all the night classes with me have decided they want another night class as well so they have organized a get together and they thought of me and invited me to participate! I know I must sound like a 5 year old but it is SO nice to have people actually think about you and invite you to things! I have rarely ever had that in my life so it is shocking to me that it is happening now. I LOVE it! So on Monday evenings I am doing video's with them at 5:15 (I think this week is buns and thighs). I have also decided that on Wednesday evenings I am going to some machines. I don't want to do it Thursday night or Friday night as Friday during lunch I have a strength training class and I think doing it on Thursday/Friday evening would be a bit too much.

So my evening schedule is as follows:

Monday: Video class with the girls
Tuesday: Zumba
Wednesday: Machines
Thursday: Elliptical
Friday: Elliptical

In the next day or too I am going to put on a dress and take a couple pictures of me in it. This dress was the dress I wore for my interview for my current job and when I tried it on to include in the pictures of my dress barn dresses I was surprised that it was a little tight. I almost felt pudgy in it. Well, I wore it the other day and it definitely fits better. I even think it even looks better on me now then it did in the interview :)

I don't expect to lose too many more pounds in terms of numbers as I am gaining more muscle and muscle does way more then fat. I do expect to lose more inches and get a lot more definition. I am going to try and measure myself (they have a measuring tape) at the gym as I think that will be where the difference will be made and will be where I gain the most reward rather then focusing on the numbers.

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