Friday, August 19, 2011

What has Rachel and Brian been up to?

Brian is pissed that the roofer guy came 5 minutes early for his appointment, didn't wait the 5 minutes, didn't call Brian saying he was here and just left. We have been trying to get this roof fixed for over 2 1/2 years now

We are trying to decide if we are going to buy the house. We have less then a month to decide. It would be tight until Brian pays off the engagement ring and then much easier when he has paid off one set of student loans but doable. We are thinking of using some wedding money (we obviously don't know if we are getting any or how much but we are pretty sure we will get some as not everyone is going to want to get us something from the registry or find something else) to pay off part or all of one or both things. Things not being taken care of in the apartment is making us lean towards buying the house

I have been saying really silly things on the phones at work. I have finished a mini phone skills class but fortunately my manager didn't need us on the phones by ourselves so I am still practicing with my peer coach. So far I have provided a laugh for those around me. The first day my peer coach didnt think I was switched over  so I got muted mid sentence because she thought she was unmuting me and the beginning of the call got all choppy. Second day when repeating something with letters to a caller I said "K as in Kitty Cat" instead of the numerous other choices I could have picked from. Two things made it more embarrassing, I thought my peer coach was agreeing with kitty when she was whispering King and I knew Kitty would probably be silly so I added cat to make it not silly. Today was probably the worst. I may be the only one to say "k as in kitty cat" but at least today's example I know I am not the one. I introduced the call using my old companies name, i.e. "Thank you for calling Island Vista" *head desk*

Our engagement photo shoot is Sunday so tomorrow we have to go and buy Brian an outfit. He is going to have tons of fun. Other then that we aren't doing anything this weekend. Our friends couldn't hang out tonight so Brian and I are trying to decide what to do. We are going to eat out with one of my hotel friends Saturday night. It should be interesting....

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