Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Today was almost lazy.

I woke up watched a two hour movie about Sally Hemmings and started knitting. Then I realized, that while I was enjoying the knitting, it was probably not the best thing to do before a photo shoot as I already have a blister on the ring finger of my right hand.

After the movie I quickly ran to CVS and got some pale pink nail polish. I had forgotten to get some yesterday and I needed to get a ballet slipper pink that would go with my outfit. The color I got was fine, the quality was horrendous. It took me 5 hours to put it on and it still didn't work. When I did dishes the water got too hot which melted the nail polish so I had to start over. When I was in the car holding my hands against my top, I guess it got too hot as my nails melded into the mesh part of my shirt. The shirt fortunately was fine but now the imprint of the mesh is on my nail. Thank goodness we didn't do any close ups on my hand :-\.

I am also sort of disappointed in Brian. I knew he was going to start jokingly whine about going home from the get go but after about 20 minutes he was serious. 30 minutes into the shoot I had to glare at him. 45 minutes in he was glaring. Now he had not eaten dinner, he was dragged away from his game (which he played from 8am-1pm yesterday so that should count the 4 hours he was away from it now right???), it was hotter then expected and I think he had forgotten about it but I expected more from him. Now if we were taking pictures for an hour plus? Fine. But I couldn't even get 30 minutes! The photographer was amazing and I think we will end up with some really good shots and I hope the photographer doesn't take Brian's feelings to heart. I was trying to laugh it off like Brian was still joking I am hoping the photographer didn't realize how serious Brian was.

Now we are home, we have ordered Dominoes and Brian is back on his game. I am picking up where I left off with Ally McBeal. That show was really progressive for it's time from what I can remember. I am surprised. So far we have had a show all about transgender issues and why polygamy should be legal. Whether you agree with their view or not the show was at least bringing it up and most shows nowadays still shy away from topics like that. Plus how can you not like Callista Flockhart (spelling?)

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