Monday, August 29, 2011

September's Grocery List

This is the first installment of September's grocery list. As I mentioned earlier that other then Costco we are going to go grocery shopping weekly so I am going to update my weekly trips here like I did when we went monthly.

Yesterday's trip was to Costco and Food Lion. September is going to be a more expensive month like a thought but in a different way. I thought it was Costco that was going to be more expensive but it is really going to be Food Lion that is going to cost more I think. Sure Costco did cost more then it normally did but I think most of what we got is going to actually last closer to 3 months rather then 2 so that even's itself out. I have already spent $88 at Food Lion and that is some pantry items and the ingredients I need to last us until September 10th. This is okay, just interesting to me. October will be a cheaper month so it will even out in the end.

What we got at Costco:

A case of Brian's Monsters (energy drink)
NutriGrain bars (48 pack)
Chicken breasts (a package of 6 units with 2 breasts per unit)
Ground turkey (a package of 4 1lb containers)
8 lbs of Chuck Roast (only needed 5 1/2 but that was as close as we could get)
Eggs (package of 18)
English muffins (package of 18)
Bread (2 loaves)
Pork chops (3lbs...this will last until November)
Leg of lamb (7lbs)
Beef flank (3lbs....this will last until November)
Pork tenderloin (this is a package of 2, this will last until November)
Chicken Sausage (3 sleeves of 8 sausages...this will last until November)
Butter (a package of 4 boxes of unsalted butter. First time buying butter from Costco so not sure how long it will last)

This all totaled $223. I don't think that is too bad given what we had bought and how long everything will last. I listed things I was sure would last until November but there are other things that could last until November as well depending on what we do for October. And red meat is more expensive then Chicken/Turkey and we haven't eaten red meat in a while.

What we got at Food Lion:

Egg noodles
Pretzel sticks
Wheat germ
Pasta sauce
Dill pickle chips
1 can whole peeled tomato
Pinto beans
Red kidney beans
Green chilis
Tomato paste
Yellow onions
Jalepeno pepper
Crescent roll
Cream cheese
Pizza dough
Crescent rolls
Goat cheese
Cheese Tortellini

This all totaled $88 dollars. Some of it will last longer then just the meal but not too much. Based on usual numbers this means we have about $99 dollars to get us through the rest of the month. It might be possible, it will be interesting to see what happens.

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