Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weekends are fun

Wednesdays and Thursdays are my weekends. I always look forward to them and especially this one as last weekend I was up early running errands both days. I am a home body by nature. If I do not get a chance to stay at home and do becomes hard. I do feel the need to be social and active so it is always a fight within myself  about when to do something and when not to. I always have fun doing an activity but is it worth the energy needed to do it and how exhausted I will feel afterwards.

Today we both woke up late and went out to lunch at a nearby Mexican restaurant with a few friends. After lunch we both went home. Wednesdays are Brian's game days and has turned into my heavy(ier) knitting days. I finished a square last night so I was starting my 5th today and have knitted 4 inches since 1pm. I am not the fastest knitter. I do not think I am the slowest but I am not the fastest by far. If I stop working, I can do one every two days but with working I think a more accurate time-line is one every 3 days. I am still enjoying it...I can sit doing nothing in front of the TV and not feel so completely unproductive. I am also starting to see an actual glimpse of what my gifts will turn out like.

I do not know if I have mentioned this but my Gamma, my mom's mom, taught me how to knit when I was about 10 or so. I remember her needles and what I thought was a really not so fun color blue. (I really didn't like that shade of blue or at least didn't which is odd as there isn't usually a color blue that I don't enjoy. It is my favorite color.) I think I was making a scarf. I got bored with the scarf so I stopped. While I intellectually know that making scarves are not boring or unimpressive, I still feel that way hence why my gifts are not scarves. My fear, I guess, is that people (not my friends per say...) would think "oh a scarf? that's it, anyone could do that" so I have come up with something more complicated. My logical side realizes that, while a scarf is one of the easiest things to knit, knitting itself is not easy and not a lot of people can knit. I am grateful that my Gamma taught me and my mom how....even if I didn't actually pick it up in my late 20s. I remember the times I attempted to knit with her and helps me keep her close. I loved the fact that she didn't really care if I knitted or not and was happy to teach/re-teach me when I decided to learn or give it up when I deemed it boring. I think I tried to start up knitting at least three times and she never grumbled or did anything but give support each time I started and never got upset with me each time I stopped. I am grateful that my mom knows how as well since I still have someone to go to for questions since the real expert is no longer with us.

I have also always wanted to be crafty. I watch everyone else make so many cool things...and while I can make things they do not end up looking anything like I would like them too. What I see in my head never comes out in reality. I have a hard time pairing things together that would look cute. It just doesn't work for me like it does with everyone I am with. Knitting has become my craft. I can knit, I can make nice things with knitting. My idea's work and look good. I can create something that not a lot of people can which also gives me a boost.

I am not sure what we are doing tomorrow. I am going to continue knitting but other then that I am not sure. It is about 9pm and I am ending early tonight with the knitting. While I don't have to worry about finishing and not having anything to do, I do want to continue to enjoy it. At this point I am fighting the urge to do nothing else and knit just so I can get to the final product faster. I wish I could post pictures but the recipients read this blog :)

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